Vermont seniors need support.
According to this data collected by Meals on Wheels America...
Vermont Senior Population
27.7% of Vermonters are age 60+
65.3% live in rural areas
27.9% live alone
6.9% live below the poverty line
Nutrition Needs of Vermont Seniors
8.9% experience hunger
(Nat'l rank: 46th in the U.S.)
24.8% eat 3+ vegetables a day
49.2% eat 2+ fruits a day
28.3% live with a disability
18.1% report "fair" to "poor" health
10% have experienced a fall with injuries
State ranking for risk of social isolation: 20th in the U.S.
Mad River Seniors depends on community contributions to support Meals on Wheels and other programs and services. We aim to run a fiscally responsible organization, but we are currently facing a budget shortfall due to the rising costs of food and packaging. Every dollar helps.
You may also mail a check payable to Mad River Seniors to...
Mad River Seniors
5308 Main Street, #20
Waitsfield, VT 05673

Get Involved
Volunteer in the Kitchen
Help serve, prepare food, bag meals, or clean dishes
Deliver Meals On Wheels
Drive meals to homebound seniors
Transport Seniors
Share Your Story or Expertise
Have an interesting background, skill, or talent? Have you traveled somewhere exotic? Be a speaker, entertainer, or instructor for activities and gatherings.